We pride ourselves on being accessible as managers, and with a team of seasoned professionals to service your needs. Call or email us today for any questions you might have.
We offer a range of "liquid alt" alternative mutual funds and traditional hedge funds. Use the Document Search below to find and download the latest forms and regulatory documents for each of our funds.
In compliance with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ (“IESBA”) Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, the auditor is required to publicly disclose the audit and non-audit fees charged to public interest entities, including the EHP family of alternative mutual funds, on an annual basis. In connection with the audits of the financial statements of the public interest entities managed by EHP for the year ended December 31, 2024, the following fees (excluding applicable taxes) were paid or payable to KPMG LLP: fees for audits of financial statements were $258,606 and fees for other services were $145,634.
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